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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 1 Overview
Cisco Unified Reporting
Troubleshooting Trace
The Troubleshooting Trace Settings window allows you to choose the services in Cisco Unified
Serviceability for which you want to set predetermined troubleshooting trace settings. In this window,
you can choose a single service or multiple services and change the trace settings for those services to
the predetermined trace settings.
If you have clusters (Cisco Unified Communications Manager only), you can choose the services on
different Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers in the cluster, so the trace settings of the
chosen services get changed to the predetermined trace settings. You can choose specific activated
services for a single server, all activated services for the server, specific activated services for all servers
in the cluster, or all activated services for all servers in the cluster. In the window, N/A displays next to
inactive services.
When you open the Troubleshooting Trace Settings window after you apply troubleshooting trace
settings to a service, the service that you set for troubleshooting displays as checked. In the
Troubleshooting Trace Settings window, you can reset the trace settings to the original settings.
After you apply Troubleshooting Trace Setting to a service, the Trace Configuration window displays a
message that troubleshooting trace is set for the given service(s). From the Related Links drop-down list
box, you can choose the Troubleshooting Trace Settings option if you want to reset the settings for the
service. For the given service, the Trace Configuration window displays all the settings as read-only,
except for some parameters of trace output settings; for example, Maximum No. of Files. You can
modify these parameters even after you apply troubleshooting trace settings.
Trace Collection
Use Trace and Log Central, an option in the RTMT, to collect, view, and zip various service traces and/or
other log files. With the Trace and Log Central option, you can collect SDL/SDI traces, Application
Logs, System Logs (such as Event View Application, Security, and System logs), and crash dump files.
For more information on trace collection, refer to the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool
Administration Guide.
Cisco Unified Reporting
Cisco Unified Reporting web application, which is accessed at the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager console, generates reports for troubleshooting or inspecting cluster data. This tool provides a
snapshot of cluster data without requiring multiple steps to find the data. The tool design facilitates
gathering data from existing sources, comparing the data, and reporting irregularities.
A report combines data from one or more sources on one or more servers into one output view. For
example, you can view a report that shows the hosts file for all servers in the cluster. The application
gathers information from the publisher server and each subscriber server. A report provides data for all
active cluster nodes that are accessible at the time that the report is generated.
Some reports run checks to identify conditions that could impact cluster operations. Status messages
indicate the outcome of every data check that is run.
Only authorized users can access the Cisco Unified Reporting application. By default, this includes
administrator users in the Standard Cisco Unified CM Super Users group. As an authorized user, you
can view reports, generate new reports, or download reports at the graphical user interface (GUI).
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