Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 2 New and Changed Information
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 8.0(1)
• TVS Alarm Catalog—The following new TVS alarms are added:
• Call Manager Catalog—The following new Call Manager alarms are added:
NodeNotTrusted Untrusted Node was contacted. Severity level is Error.
UserInputFailure EMCC login failure due to invalid user input due to invalid
user credentials or the credentials have expired. Severity level
Alarm Name Description
ConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerSingleFailed Failed to allocate resources to handle
configuration change notification from database.
ConfigThreadReadConfigurationFailed Failed to retrieve enterprise parameter values
from database at TVS service startup.
DefaultDurationInCacheModified Default value of a Certificate duration in cache is
modified in the Service Parameter page.
ITLFileRegenerated New ITL File has been generated.
RollBackToPre8.0Disabled Roll Back to Pre 8.0 has been disabled in the
Enterprise Parameter page.
SDIControlLayerFailed Failed to update trace logging or alarm subsystem
for new settings.
TVSCertificateRegenerated TVS Server certificate has been regenerated.
TVSServerListenBindFailed Fail to connect to the network port through which
file requests are received.
TVSServerListenSetSockOptFailed Failed to increase the size of the network buffer
for receiving file requests.
Alarm Name Description
CMVersionMismatch One or more Unified CM nodes in a cluster are running different
Cisco CallManager versions.
ConflictingDataIE A call has been rejected because the incoming PRI/BRI Setup
message had an invalid IE.
DbInfoCorrupt Database information returned is corrupt. Database configuration
error was encountered.
DbInfoError Error in the database information retrieved. Database
configuration error was encountered.
DbInfoTimeout Database Information request timed out. Timeout was
encountered while trying to read database configuration.
DbInsertValidatedDIDFailure The Insertion of an IME provided E.164 DID has failed. A failure
occurred attempting to insert a Cisco Unified Active Link
learned DID.
EndPointRegistered This alarm occurs when a device is successfully registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Alarm Name Description
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