Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 8 Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Note If the process can not be associated back to an invoked application installed on the system, then the value
returned for the columnar value sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex will be '0' and the instance portion of the
object-identifier will be the process ID number (sysApplElmtRunIndex) followed by 0.0.
sysApplMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The sole purpose of this table is to provide a 'backwards' mapping so that, given a known
sysApplElmtRunIndex (process identification number), the corresponding invoked application
(sysApplRunIndex), installed element (sysApplInstallElmtIndex), and installed application package
(sysApplInstallPkgIndex) can be quickly determined.
::= { sysApplMap 1 }
sysApplMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplMapEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A logical row representing a process currently running on the system. This entry provides the index
mapping from process identifier, back to the invoked application, installed element, and finally, the
installed application package. The entry includes only one accessible columnar object, the
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex, but the invoked application and installed element can be determined
from the instance identifier since they form part of the index clause.
INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex }
::= { sysApplMapTable 1 }
SysApplMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplMapInstallElmtIndexUnsigned32,
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex Unsigned32 }
sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The index into the sysApplInstallElmtTable. The value of this object is the same value as the
sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running
instance. If this process cannot be associated to an installed executable, the value should be '0'.
::= { sysApplMapEntry 1 }
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
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