38 OL-16132-01
Switch from a connected
call to answer a ringing call
(using the Bluetooth
wireless headset)
See the instructions from your
Bluetooth wireless headset
Switching Between Multiple
Calls, page 41
Answer using call waiting Press Answer.
Send call directly to your
voice messaging system
(using the handset)
Press iDivert. Accessing Voice Messages,
page 87
Send call directly to your
voice messaging system
(using the Bluetooth
wireless headset)
Use the Call Reject feature on your
Bluetooth wireless headset (exact
feature name may vary). For more
information, see your Bluetooth
wireless headset documentation.
Note If iDivert is not configured for
your phone by the system
administrator, the phone ignores
the call reject request.
Accessing Voice Messages,
page 87
Retrieve a parked call on
another phone
Use Call Park. Tracing Suspicious Calls,
page 62
Use your phone to answer a
call ringing elsewhere
Use Call Pickup. Picking Up a Redirected Call
on Your Phone, page 54
Answer a priority call using
the handset
Disconnect the current call and press
Answer or
Prioritizing Critical Calls,
page 62
Answer a priority call using
the Bluetooth wireless
Disconnects the current call and
answers a ringing call. For more
information, see your Bluetooth
wireless headset documentation.
Prioritizing Critical Calls,
page 62
Automatically connect to an
incoming call after a ring or
Ask your system administrator to set
up the Auto Answer feature. After
ringing once or twice, the call
automatically connects to the handset
or headset without pressing
Using AutoAnswer, page 69
If you want to... Then... For more information, see...
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