Cisco CISCO827-4V-RF Datasheet Page 4

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Figure 2:
The Cisco 827-4V router, which supports VoIP (and voice over ATM VoATM, allows service providers to offer multiple lines of toll-quality voice
service with high-speed data access over a single pair of copper wires.
Differentiated Classes of Service
TheCisco827-4V business-class ADSL routerenablesserviceproviders to increaserevenueby building differentiated
service options based on premium, standard, or best-effort service classes.
It employs quality-of-service (QoS) features such as application-aware networking with IP QoS features and traffic
management with ATM QoS features. This enables the router to expedite the handling of mission-critical or delay
sensitive applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or videoconferencing while sharing network
resources with lower-priority applications such as Web surfing.
Application-Aware Networking with IP QoS
Usinglowlatency queuing (often calledLLQorPriority Queuing Class-Based WeightedFair Queuing[PQCBWFQ]),
the Cisco 827-4V router enables service providers and resellers to guarantee or differentiate bandwidth based on a
specific application or a specific user. For example, the order entry department traffic can be given priority over the
marketing department traffic. The ability of the Cisco 827-4V router to restrict the bandwidth of certain applications
or users allows service providers and resellers to manage traffic on the basis of application or user requirements.
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)provides QoS admission control,resource reservation requests, and feedback
to allow end-to-end bandwidth reservation and management.
Traffic Management Using ATM QoS
In addition to IP QoS features, the Cisco 827-4V router provides ATM QoS features that enable service providers to
manage their core ATM network infrastructures to deliver scalable, cost-effective services with QoS guarantees to
their customers. Per-virtual-circuit traffic shaping and queuing allow further optimization of the existing bandwidth
between customers and various services.
H.323 VoIP Sample Infrastructure
Branch Office
Voice Gateway
Cisco 1750, 2600, 3600
Corporate Gateway
to PBX
Cisco 3600
Small Office
Voice Gateway
Cisco 827-4V
IP/ATM Network
H.323 RAS
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