Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Creating and Managing Administrator User Accounts and Groups
Creating and Managing User Accounts
Creating a New User Group
To create a new user group, follow these steps:
Step 1 From the WAAS Central Manager menu, choose Admin > AAA > User Groups.
The User Groups listing window appears.
Step 2 Click the Create New User Groups icon in the taskbar.
The Creating New User Group window appears.
Step 3 In the Name field, enter the name of the user group.
Ensure that the name matches the name of a user group defined on the external authentication server that
you are using. Name matching is case sensitive.
Note A user group name cannot contain the following characters: # + " < > , (comma). A user group
name cannot consist solely of numbers, periods (.), or spaces. Any leading periods, asterisks (*),
or spaces are cropped.
Step 4 (Optional) In the Comments field, enter any comments about this user group.
Step 5 Click Submit.
Step 6 Assign a role or WAAS domain to this user group as described in the sections that follow.
Assigning Roles to a User Group
After you create a user group, you need to assign a role to the group. If you create a user group but do
not assign a role to the group, the users in that group can log into the WAAS Central Manager GUI but
no data will be displayed and the configuration pages will not be available.
To assign one or more roles to a user group, follow these steps:
Step 1 From the WAAS Central Manager menu, choose Admin > AAA > User Groups.
The User Groups window appears with all configured user groups listed.
Step 2 Click the Edit icon next to the user group for which you want to assign roles.
The Modifying User Group window appears.
Step 3 Click the Role Management tab.
The Role Management for User Group window appears with all configured role names listed.
Step 4 Click the Assign icon (blue cross mark) that appears next to the role name that you want to assign to the
selected user group.
Step 5 Click the Unassign (green tick mark) next to the role name to unassign a previously assigned user group
Note Click the Assign all Roles icon in the taskbar to assign all roles in the current window to a user
group. Alternatively, click the Remove all Roles icon to unassign all roles associated with a user
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