Release Notes for Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g Client Adapters (CB21AG and PI21AG) Install Wizard 1.1
New and Changed Information
Windows Wireless Network Connection Icon Shows Unavailable Connection
(Windows XP Only)
If your computer is running Windows XP and you configured your client adapter using ADU, the
Windows Wireless Network Connection icon in the Windows system tray may be marked with a red X
and show an unavailable connection even though a wireless connection exists. This condition is caused
by a conflict between ADU and Windows XP’s wireless network settings. Simply ignore the Windows
icon and use the ASTU icon to check the status of your client adapter’s wireless connection.
Supporting Documentation
The Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Client Adapters (CB21AG and PI21AG) Installation and
Configuration Guide (part number OL-4211-01) pertains specifically to CB21AG and PI21AG client
adapters. If you are using a Cisco Aironet 340, 350, or CB20A client adapter, refer to the Installation
and Configuration Guide for that client adapter and your computer’s operating system.
New and Changed Information
Radio Management Support
Install Wizard 1.1 includes client adapter radio management support for CiscoWorks Wireless LAN
Solution Engine (WLSE) software release 2.7.
Wireless Mode Priority
When you select more than one option for the Wireless Mode parameter on the Profile Management
(Advanced) window in ADU, the client adapter attempts to use the wireless modes in this order:
5 GHz 54 Mbps, 2.4 GHz 54 Mbps, 2.4 GHz 11 Mbps.
PEAP Password Change
When you enter your PEAP password in ADU 1.0, the password appears in clear text and therefore is
visible on the screen. In ADU 1.1, the PEAP password appears as a series of asterisks so the password
cannot be seen.
Connection Status Window
The name of the ASTU Connection Status window has been changed to Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g
Wireless Adapter Connection Status window.
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