Chapter 5 Configuration Procedures for the Cisco 67x CPE Devices
Configure Line Coding (Cisco 677 and Cisco 678 only)
Cisco 600 Series Installation and Operation Guide
Configure for DMT
Step 1
Verify the connection from the router to the location where the correct software
image is stored. This location is provided by your network administrator.
Typically, you use the
command for this step.
Step 2
Enable TFTP:
cbos#set tftp enabled
TFTP is enabled
Step 3
Set the remote address for the TFTP host computer:
cbos # tftp remote ip address
This command tells the CPE to accept TFTP transfers from a specific IP address.
An example remote IP address would be
This address is an example
only; do not use it to configure the router.
If you do not have the CPE address, consult your network
For more information about TFTP, see “
TFTP Server”
section on page 5-27.
Step 4
To start the file transfer from a PC, start a DOS session and enter:
C:>tftp –i CPE IP address put image_filename
Where necessary, implement the following values:
To start the file transfer from a UNIX machine, enter:
tftp> mode binary
tftp> put CPE IP address:image_filename
Sent 922294 bytes in 54.9 seconds
Sets the transfer mode to binary mode
Uploads a file onto that IP address
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