Cisco WIRELESS LAN CONTROLLER OL-17037-01 User Manual Page 6

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Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Controlling Lightweight Access Points
Configuring Global Credentials for Access Points
Viewing CAPWAP MTU Information
To view the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the CAPWAP path on the controller, enter this
command. The MTU specifies the maximum size of any packet (in bytes) in a transmission.
show ap config general Cisco_AP
Information similar to the following appears:
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 9
Cisco AP Name.................................... Maria-1250
Country code..................................... US - United States
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11/jointfilesconvert/1203262/bg:-A 802.11a:-A
AP Country code.................................. US - United States
AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11/jointfilesconvert/1203262/bg:-A 802.11a:-A
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 00:1f:ca:bd:bc:7c
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
CAPWAP Path MTU............................... 1485
Debugging CAPWAP
Use these CLI commands to obtain CAPWAP debug information:
debug capwap events {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP events.
debug capwap errors {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP errors.
debug capwap detail {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP details.
debug capwap info {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP information.
debug capwap packet {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP packets.
debug capwap payload {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of CAPWAP payloads.
debug capwap hexdump {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging of the CAPWAP
hexadecimal dump.
Configuring Global Credentials for Access Points
Cisco IOS access points are shipped from the factory with Cisco as the default enable password. This
password allows users to log into the non-privileged mode and execute show and debug commands,
posing a security threat. The default enable password must be changed to prevent unauthorized access
and to enable users to execute configuration commands from the access point’s console port.
In controller software releases prior to 5.0, you can set the access point enable password only for access
points that are currently connected to the controller. In controller software release 5.0 or later, you can
set a global username, password, and enable password that all access points inherit as they join the
controller. This includes all access points that are currently joined to the controller and any that join in
the future. If desired, you can override the global credentials and assign a unique username, password,
and enable password for a specific access point.
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