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Cisco MGX 8230 Edge Concentrator Installation and Configuration
Release 1.1.31, Part Number 78-11215-03 Rev. B0, May 2001
Chapter 6 Card and Service Configuration
ATM Universal Service Module (AUSM)
Configure Inverse Multiplexing
This section describes the CLI command sequence for configuring the IMA feature.
Step 1 addln on all constituent links.
Step 2 cnfln if necessary.
Step 3 addimagrp (or addaimgrp) to create the IMA group by using the following syntax:
addimagrp <group_num> <port_type> <list_of_links> <minNumLink>
For example: the following creates IMA group 1 with lines 3, 4, and 5. The minimum is 3.
addimagrp 1 3.4.5 3
IMA-related commands are dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimagrps, dspimainfo, and dspimalncnt.
Refer to the Cisco MGX 8800 Series Switch Command Reference for descriptions.
Adding and Configuring Connections on the AUSM/B
Connections can be added and modified through the Cisco WAN Manager or the CLI. Refer to applicable
documentation if you use the WAN Manager application.
This section describes how to add an ATM connection through the CLI according to the rules for adding
a standard connection or a management connection in the form of either a DAX con or a three-segment
connection. See Rules for Adding Connections earlier in this chapter.
On the CLI of the AUSM/B:
Step 1 Execute the addcon command.
When you add a connection with addcon, the system automatically assigns the next available channel
number, so addcon does not require it. However, some related commands require a channel
numbercnfchanfst, cnfchanq, cnfconstdabr, and cnfupcabr, for example. To see the channel number
after you add a connection, use dspcons.
The addcon syntax is:
addcon <port_number> <vpi> <vci> <ConType> <SrvType> [Controller_Type] [mastership]
group_num is a number for IMA group. The range is 18.
port_type is the port type: 1=UNI, 2=NN1.
list_of_links is the list of links to be included in the group. Separate each link
number by a period.
minNumLink is the minimum number of links in the range 18 to form a group.
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