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Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 3 Provisioning PXM1E Communication Links
General PXM1E Configuration Procedures
Tip The configuration of SPVCs and SPVPs is very similar. The difference is that SPVPs are assigned VCI 0
and do not use nonzero VCI numbers. An SPVC requires a nonzero VCI.
Configuring the Slave Side of SPVCs and SPVPs
To configure the slave side of an SPVC or SPVP, use the following procedure.
Step 1 Establish a configuration session using a user name with GROUP1 privileges or higher.
Step 2 Define the slave side of the SPVC by entering the following command:
PXM1E_SJ.8.PXM.a > addcon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> <serviceType> <mastership>
[-slave atmAddr.vpi.vci] [-lpcr <cellrate>] [-rpcr <cellrate>] [-lscr <cellrate>]
[-rscr <cellrate>] [-lmbs <cells>] [-rmbs <cells>] [-lcdv <time>] [-rcdv <time>]
[-lctd <time>] [-rctd <time>] [-lmcr <cellrate>] [-rmcr <time>]
[-cdvt <time>] [-cc <1|0>] [-stat <1|0>] [-frame <1|0>] [-mc <maxCost>]
<percentage>] [-rputil <percentage>]
[-slavepersflag <persistent|nonpersistent>] [-rtngprio <routingpriority>]
[-prefrte <preferredRouteId>] [-intvsvd <internal vsvd config>]
[-extvsvd <external vsvd config>][-directrte <directRoute>]
Caution Once you create an SPVC connection, you cannot change the SPVC prefix until all SPVC connections
have been deleted. The procedure for changing the SPVC prefix is described in theSetting and Viewing
the SPVC Prefix” section in Chapter 2, “Configuring General Switch Features.”
Table 3-17 lists and defines the parameters and options for the addcon command. The local and remote
terms used in Table 3-17 refer to settings for the local port you are configuring and the remote port at
the other end of the connection. If you omit an option, the SPVC uses the default value.
Table 3-17 Parameters for the addcon and cnfcon Commands
Parameter Commands Description
ifNum addcon, cnfcon Enter the interface number (which is defined with the
addport command) for the port to which this SPVC will
connect. The range is from 1 to 31.
vpi addcon, cnfcon Enter the VPI for the slave side of the SPVC.
UNI Range: 0 to 255.
NNI Range: 0 to 4095.
vci addcon, cnfcon Enter the VCI for the slave side of the SPVC or SPVP.
SPVC Range: 32 to 65535.
SPVP Range: 0.
Note Cisco recommends setting the minimum VCI to 35
or higher. Future products will use VCI 32 through
34 for other services.
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