Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 9 Switch Operating Procedures
Managing NCDP Clock Sources
Displaying an SNTP Server
Enter the dspsntprmtsvr command at the active PXM prompt to display a specific SNTP server.
ses.1.PXM.a > dspsntprmtsvr
Enter the dspsntprmtsvr all command at the active PXM prompt to display a list of all existing
SNTP servers in the network.
M8850_NY.8.PXM.a > dspsntprmtsvr all
Deleting an Existing SNTP Server
Enter the delsntprmtsvr <IP_address> command at the active PXM prompt to delete a specific SNTP
server. Replace <IP_address> with the IP address of the server you want to delete.
M8850_LA.8.PXM.a > delsntprmtsvr
Enter the delsntprmtsvr all command to delete all SNTP servers on the network, as shown in the
following example:
M8850_LA.8.PXM.a > delsntprmtsvr all
Managing NCDP Clock Sources
The following sections provide procedures for managing Network Clock Distribution Protocol (NCDP)
clock sources.
rollback: When a client switches over to the secondary server for TOD requests, the rollback
timer takes affect and continues polling the primary server for TOD each time the
rollback timer expires. The rollback timer continues polling the primary server
until it comes back up.
Default = 1024
stratum (default): Shows the default stratum level.
stratum (current): Shows the current settings for the stratum level.
sync: Shows whether the SNTP client and server are in sync.
Table 9-12 Objects Displayed for dspsntp Command (continued)
Parameter Description
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