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Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 3 Provisioning PXM1E Communication Links
General PXM1E Configuration Procedures
The following example adds a party to master endpoint 7:2.11:11, which uses VPI 100 and VCI 100:
PXM1E_SJ.8.PXM.a > addparty 7:2.11:11 100 100 1 -party
Step 3 To verify that the party was added properly, enter the dspparty command as follows:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a > dspparty <port> <vpi> <vci> <epref>
The dspparty command parameters identify the root endpoint and are the same parameters you specified
with the addparty command (Table 3-18). The following example shows the dspparty command
XM1E_SJ.8.PXM.a > dspparty 7:2.11:11 100 100 1
Port Vpi Vci Owner State Persistency
Local 7:2.11:11 100.100 MASTER OK Persistent
Address: 47.00918100000000001a533377.000001073b0b.00
Node name: PXM1E_SJ
Remote 7:2.12:12 101.101 PARTY OK Non-Persistent
Address: 47.00918100000000001a533377.000001073b0c.00
Node name: PXM1E_SJ
Endpoint Reference: 1
Last Fail Cause: No Fail Attempts: 0
Step 4 To view all the configured parties, enter the dspparties command as follows:
PXM1E_SJ.8.PXM.a > dspparties
Local Port Vpi.Vci Epref Remote Port Vpi.Vci State Owner Persistency
7:2.11:11 100 100 1 7:2.12:12 101 101 OK MASTER Persistent
Local Addr: 47.00918100000000001a533377.000001073b0b.00
Remote Addr: 47.00918100000000001a533377.000001073b0c.00
Step 5 Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to add more parties, one at a time, to the root you created in Step 2.
Table 3-18 addparty Command Parameters
Parameter Description
port Root endpoint port identifier, in the format
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. To display a list of the available ports
using port numbers in the correct format, enter the dsppnports command.
vpi Root endpoint VPI. Enter the VPI specified when the root endpoint was
created. To display a list of connections that includes the VPI and VCI for
each connection, enter the dspcons command.
vci Root endpoint VCI. Enter the VPI specified when the root endpoint was
created. To display a list of connections that includes the VPI and VCI for
each connection, enter the dspcons command.
epref Endpoint reference. The range is 1 to 32767.
party PartyNSAP.vpi.vci To obtain a slave/party’s NSAP, see the “Obtaining the
NSAP for a Party” section that follows.
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