Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 9 Switch Operating Procedures
Managing Bit Error Rate Tests
Note BERT commands are available only on PXM1E and PXM45 cards. However, you can run BERT
on any service modules that support T1 lines or IMA.
Step 3 Enter the dspbertcap command to display the loopback and BERT capabilities of a specific line or port
on the current card. The display shows you which test patterns and loopback numbers are available on
the current service module.
dspbertcap <SM Interface> <Test Option>
Table 9-33 describes the dspbertcap command parameters.
Step 4 Enter the cnfbert command as follows to set up BERT parameters on the looped back connection. You
must use the available test patterns and loopback numbers displayed with the dspbertcap command in
Step 3.
Unknown.7.PXM.a > cnfbert -cbif <LSMnum> -pat <bertPattern> -lpbk <lpbk> -sbe
<singleBitErrInsert> -cir <dropIteration> -en <enable>
Table 9-33 dspbertcap Command Parameters
Parameter Description
SM Interface The format of Service Module Interface is: SMslot.SMLine[.SMport], as
• SMslot can have a value in one of the following ranges: 1-6, 9-14,
17-22, 25-30.
• SMLine has a range from 1 though the maximum number of lines on
the card.
• The optional SMport has a value from 1 though the maximum ports
supported by the service module.
Test Option Type one of the following numbers to select the capability to display:
1: BERT capability
2: Loopback capability
Table 9-34 cnfbert Command Parameters
Parameter Description
LSMnum Where LSMnum = LSMslot.Line.Port
LSMslot = 1-6,9-14,17-22,25-30
Line = 1 - MAX_LINES
Port = 1 - MAX_PORTS for Port Test,
0 for Line Test
bertPattern Test pattern to be generated. See the list of patterns supported for a
complete listing. for details use dspbertcap command.
lpbk For details use dspbertcap command.
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