Cisco CX-FEIP-1TX= Installation and con?guration User's Guide Page 254

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Wireless specifications Chapter 4: Reference information
phn-2513_004v000 (Oct 2012)
The NTIA Red Book defines the frequency plans for NTIA. These are summarized in Table
Table 101 NTIA band plan
Band Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) T/R (MHz)
7 GHz 7.10-7.75 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 300
8 GHz 7.75-8.50 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 360
The frequency plan for Brazil is summarized in Table 102.
Table 102 Brazil band plan
Band Frequency
Channel separation
18 GHz 17.7-19.7 13.75, 27.5, 55 1560 F.595-9 An 7
Capacity, transmit power and sensitivity
This section contains tables of wireless performance for PTP 800 links. The tables specify,
for each frequency band, region (FCC and ETSI), bandwidth and modulation mode, the
following data:
F/R mode: This means ‘Fixed or reference mode’. It indicates whether or not the
modulation mode is available as a fixed or reference mode.
Cap (Mbps): This means ‘Capacity’. It is the maximum sustained aggregate load
applied to the data and management Ethernet ports that can be delivered to the
remote Ethernet ports without packet discard. This capacity can be achieved with
Ethernet Frames which have the highest configured Quality of Service class. Capacity
is approximately 1.5% lower for Ethernet Frames with a lower classification. Please
refer to Customer network on page 1-42 for an explanation of Ethernet Frame
Sens (dBm): This means ‘Sensitivity’ It is the typical receive signal level which
produces a Frame Error Rate of 5 x 10
using 64 octet frames. This is equivalent to a
Bit Error Rate of 1 x 10
as defined in EN 302 217 Annex F.
ACM-o (dBm): This means ‘ACM threshold out'. It is the typical signal level at which a
given modulation can no longer be supported. When adaptive modulation is enabled
and the signal level falls below this level, the modulation with the next lower capacity
is automatically selected.
ACM-i (dBm): This means 'ACM threshold in'. It is the typical signal level required for
a given modulation to be automatically selected when adaptive modulation is enabled.
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