Cisco CX-FEIP-1TX= Installation and con?guration User's Guide Page 510

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Task 8: Setting up SNMP agent Chapter 6: Configuration and alignment
phn-2513_004v000 (Oct 2012)
Step 4: SNMP user accounts configuration (for SNMPv3)
If the chosen SNMP Security Mode is ‘Web-based’, the Step 4: SNMP User Accounts
Configuration page is displayed (Figure 156). Update the individual user attributes (Table
238) for up to 10 SNMP users, then select Next.
Figure 156 Step 4: SNMP User Accounts Configuration page (for SNMPv3)
Table 238 Step 3: SNMP User Accounts Configuration attributes (for SNMPv3)
Attribute Meaning
Name Name to be used by the SNMP user to access the system.
Role Selects which of the two web-based security profiles are applied to
this user: ‘System administrator’ or ‘Read only’.
‘Disabled’ means that the SNMP account is disabled.
Auth/Priv Indicates whether the Passphrase applies to authentication or
privacy protocols.
Passphrase The phrase to be entered by this SNMP user to access the system
using an authentication or privacy protocol. Length must be
between 8 and 32 characters. May contain spaces.
The ‘Auth:’ Passphrase is hidden when Security Level for this
user’s Role is set to ‘No Auth No Priv’.
The ‘Priv:’ Passphrase is hidden when Security Level for this user’s
Role is set to ‘No Auth No Priv’ or ‘Auth No Priv’.
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