Task 15: Connecting link to the network Chapter 6: Configuration and alignment
phn-2513_004v000 (Oct 2012)
Table 249 SNTP clock attributes
Attribute Meaning
SNTP State ‘Enabled’ means that the CMU will obtain accurate date and
time updates from a networked time server.
SNTP Primary Server Specifies the primary SNTP server, determining the order in
which the servers are tried.
SNTP Primary Server
Dead Time
Time (in seconds) to wait before retrying communications
with an unresponsive primary SNTP server. A value of zero
disables the timer.
SNTP Server Retries Number of times the PTP will retry after an SNTP server
fails to respond.
SNTP Server Timeout Time (in seconds) the PTP will wait for a response from an
SNTP server.
SNTP Poll Interval The period at which the SNTP client polls the server for
time correction updates (default 1 hour). If an SNTP poll
fails, the client will automatically perform three retries
before waiting for the user defined poll period.
SNTP Server 1 and 2:
SNTP Server Status Status message reflecting the state of communications with
the SNTP server.
SNTP Server IP
The IP address of the networked SNTP server.
SNTP Server Port
The port number of the networked SNTP server. By
convention the default value for the port number is 123.
SNTP Server
Authentication Protocol
Authentication protocol to be used with this SNTP server
(None, DES or MD5).
SNTP Server Key
SNTP key identifier. A key of zeros is reserved for testing.
Server Key Key used to authenticate SNTP communications.
For DES keys this must be 16 hexadecimal characters as per
the DES specification, with the least significant bit of each
pair used to maintain odd parity.
Server Key Confirm Must match the server key.
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