PTP 800 Series User Guide Antennas and couplers
phn-2513_004v000 (Oct 2012)
Coupler mounting kits are provided in two options:
• Symmetric coupler mounting kits: This option splits the power evenly between the
two ODUs. A nominal 3 dB is lost in each arm of the coupler.
• Asymmetric coupler mounting kits : This option splits the power in a way which
favours one ODU. A nominal 1 dB is lost in the Main arm of the coupler with a nominal
7 dB being lost in the other arm. This is often a preferred option for 1+1 Hot Standby
links (see Link types on page 1-6).
Couplers increase system loss.
The choice of coupler mounting kit depends on the frequency variant and on the coupler
type required (symmetric or asymmetric).
Figure 23 ODU coupler mounting kit
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