Cisco CX-FEIP-1TX= Installation and con?guration User's Guide Page 559

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PTP 800 Series User Guide Web-based management
phn-2513_004v000 (Oct 2012)
Attribute Meaning
Link Name The name of the PTP link, as set in the Installation wizard.
The Link Name must be the same at both sites, as it is used
to establish a connection with the other site.
Site Name The name given to the site by the system administrator and
set by the Installation wizard.
Elapsed Time Indicator The time (hh:mm:ss) that has elapsed since the last system
The system can reboot for several reasons, for example,
commanded reboot from the system reboot webpage, or a
power cycle of the equipment.
System Clock The CMU clock presented as local time, allowing for zone
and daylight saving.
Status attributes Status attributes may be displayed in the System Summary
page to indicate abnormal states.
Viewing the system status
To display the System Status page, select menu option Status.
The System Status page (Figure 182) gives the user a detailed view of the operation of the
PTP 800 from both the wireless and network perspectives.
The contents of the System Status page depend upon the configuration of the PTP 800. For
example, for in-band management of an unprotected unit, no status information is shown
for the unused Management Port. For an unprotected link, no status information is shown
relating to protection.
Password protection can be extended to cover the System Status page. For more
information, see Protecting access to the summary and status pages on page 6-49.
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