Cisco ATM Services (AXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches
Release 5.2, Part Number OL-6484-01 Rev. C0, September 2005
Chapter 3 Provisioning ATM Services
General AXSM Configuration Procedures
Table 3-8 addimaport Command Parameters
Parameter Description
ifNum The logical port number. Range:4–1003
group The IMA group number (1–42).
guaranteedRate The guaranteed minimum bandwidth rate in cells per second.
Range for T1:
between 50 and N * (3622 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049)
Range for E1:
between 50 and N * (4528 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049)
N = the number of IMA links in the IMA group
M = the IMA group frame length
Note On the AXSM-32-T1E1-E card, the guaranteed rate and max rate settings
must be the same.
maxRate The maximum bandwidth rate in cells per second.
Range for T1:
between 50 and N * (3622 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049)
Range for E1:
between 50 and N * (4528 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049)
N = the number of IMA links in the IMA group
M = the IMA group frame length
Note On the AXSM-32-T1E1-E card, the guaranteed rate and max rate settings
must be the same.
sctID The ID number of the port SCT file on the PXM disk. Enter a number in the range
from 0–255. The default SCT ID is 0.
For IMA, use SCT 54 (policing) or SCT 55 (non-policing).
ifType Specifies the port as one of the following types of interfaces:
• 1 = UNI (User-to-Network Interface)
• 2 = NNI (Network-to-Network Interface)
• 3 = VNNI (Virtual Network-to-Network Interface)
• 4 = VUNI (Virtual User-to-Network Interface)
• 5 = EVUNI (Enhanced Virtual User-to-Network Interface)
• 6 = EVNNI (Enhanced Virtual Network-to-Network Interface)
EVNNI and EVUNI allow you to specify a range of VPIs for a single interface,
and this range of VPIs represents the virtual NNI or virtual UNI trunk. VNNI and
VUNI allow you to specify only one VPI for a single interface, and that VPI
represents the virtual NNI or virtual UNI trunk. Multiple VNNIs and EVNNIs
can coexist on the same line.
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