Cisco RPM-XF Specifications Page 625

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Cisco ATM Services (AXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches
Release 5.2, Part Number OL-6484-01 Rev. C0, September 2005
Chapter 5
Display VSI Connection—AXSM, AXSM-E, AXSM-32-T1E1-E, AXSM-XG
Use the dspvsicon command to display information about the specified VSI connection on the current
dspvsicon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [d/jointfilesconvert/430305/bglvl]
Syntax Description
Related Commands
Display summary information about the VSI connection on port 11, VPI 0, VCI 0.
M8850_LA.1.AXSM.a > dspvsicon 11 0 0 1
cRef State Type lLin lVpi lVci rLin rVpi rVci cksmVal
00020 Cmtted s/svc 0101180b 0000 000005 01073b22 0001 000035 d8101810
connInDb chkSumBlkId
-------- -----------
YES 000000
Endpoint Info - Local
ifNum The logical port number, in the range from1 through 60.
vpi The VPI has the range 0–255 for a UNI or 0–4095 for a UNI or VNNI.
vci The VCI in the range 1–65535 for VCCs, or 0 for VPCs.
d/jointfilesconvert/430305/bglvl (Optional parameter) Indicates the extent of debugging information to be
1 = Display summary information
2 = Display summary information, plus table summary information
3 = Display all debugging information, which includes the following:
Summary information
Table summary information
Detailed table summary information.
The default is 1.
Log: no State: active/ standby Privilege: CISCO_GP
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