Cisco RPM-XF Specifications Page 70

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Cisco ATM Services (AXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches
Release 5.2, Part Number OL-6484-01 Rev. C0, September 2005
Chapter 2 Preparing AXSM Lines for Communication
General AXSM Provisioning Procedures
Step 5 To verify your configuration changes, enter the dspln command.
Verifying Line Configuration
Use the following procedure to display the configuration of a line.
Step 1 Establish a CLI management session at any user access level.
Step 2 If you do not know the line number you want to view, display a list of the lines by entering the following
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a > dsplns
Step 3 To display the configuration of a single line, enter the following command:
dspln <
Table 2-5 describes the dspln command parameters. The line configuration appears as follows:
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a > dspln 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Loopback : NoLoop APS enabled : Disable
Frame Scrambling : Enable Channelized : Yes
Xmt Clock source : loopTiming Num of STS-Paths/AUs: 4
Line Type : Sts48c Provisioned Paths/AUs: 1
Medium Type(SONET/SDH) : SONET Number of ports : 0
Medium Time Elapsed : 21 Number of partitions: 0
Medium Valid Intervals : 96 Number of SPVC : 0
Medium Line Type : SSMF Number of SPVP : 0
Number of SVC : 0
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a >
Establishing Redundancy between Two Lines with APS
The Cisco MGX switch supports two types of line redundancy:
Intracard redundancy, where the working and protection lines are connected to the same card.
Intercard redundancy, where the working line is connected to the primary card, and the protection
line is connected to the secondary card.
Table 2-5 dspln Command Parameters
Parameter Description
type The parameter specifies the type of line that is connected to the switch. Replace
<type> with -sonet, -ds3, -e3, or -e1.
bay Replace <bay> with 1 if the line is connected to a back card in the upper bay, or
replace it with 2 if the line is connected to a back card in the lower bay.
line Replace <line> with the number that corresponds to the line you want to view.
Table 2-3 lists the valid line numbers for each AXSM card.
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