Cisco ATM Services (AXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches
Release 5.2, Part Number OL-6484-01 Rev. C0, September 2005
Chapter 2 Preparing AXSM Lines for Communication
General AXSM Provisioning Procedures
Step 5 To verify your configuration changes, enter the dspln command.
Verifying Line Configuration
Use the following procedure to display the configuration of a line.
Step 1 Establish a CLI management session at any user access level.
Step 2 If you do not know the line number you want to view, display a list of the lines by entering the following
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a > dsplns
Step 3 To display the configuration of a single line, enter the following command:
dspln <
Table 2-5 describes the dspln command parameters. The line configuration appears as follows:
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a > dspln 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Loopback : NoLoop APS enabled : Disable
Frame Scrambling : Enable Channelized : Yes
Xmt Clock source : loopTiming Num of STS-Paths/AUs: 4
Line Type : Sts48c Provisioned Paths/AUs: 1
Medium Type(SONET/SDH) : SONET Number of ports : 0
Medium Time Elapsed : 21 Number of partitions: 0
Medium Valid Intervals : 96 Number of SPVC : 0
Medium Line Type : SSMF Number of SPVP : 0
Number of SVC : 0
M8950_DC.16.AXSMXG.a >
Establishing Redundancy between Two Lines with APS
The Cisco MGX switch supports two types of line redundancy:
• Intracard redundancy, where the working and protection lines are connected to the same card.
• Intercard redundancy, where the working line is connected to the primary card, and the protection
line is connected to the secondary card.
Table 2-5 dspln Command Parameters
Parameter Description
type The parameter specifies the type of line that is connected to the switch. Replace
<type> with -sonet, -ds3, -e3, or -e1.
bay Replace <bay> with 1 if the line is connected to a back card in the upper bay, or
replace it with 2 if the line is connected to a back card in the lower bay.
line Replace <line> with the number that corresponds to the line you want to view.
Table 2-3 lists the valid line numbers for each AXSM card.
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