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Cisco ATM Services (AXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches
Release 5.2, Part Number OL-6484-01 Rev. C0, September 2005
Chapter 4 AXSM Card Management
Managing IMA Groups
This sample dspimagrp command shows the configuration parameters for an IMA group on the
AXSM-E card that is installed in slot 12.
Step 4 To configure an IMA group, enter a cnfimagrp command in the format shown below:
cnfimagrp <-grp group> [-ver <version>] [-txm <minLinks>] [-txid <txImaId>] [-txfl <txFrameLen>]
[-dd <diffDelayMax>] [-uptim <groupUpTime>] [-dntim <groupDownTime>] [-vfb <verFallback>]
[-mode <autoRestart>] -rxid <rxImaIdExpected>]
Table 4-14 lists and describes the parameters that you use in configuring an IMA group on an AXSM
Table 4-14 Parameters for cnfimagrp Command
Parameter Description
group_num Enter the number for the IMA group you want to configure, in the format For example: 1.16
The bay number is 1 or 2, and the group number is in the range from 1 through
Use the dspimagrps command to display the configured IMA groups.
version The protocol version of the IMA group.
1 = IMA version 1.0
2 = IMA version 1.1
minLinks The minimum number of links that will allow the IMA group to be operational
(Range: 1–16). The minLinks value is configurable ONLY for IMA version 1.1.
For IMA version 1.0, the minLinks value is always 128.
txImaId The IMA ID number transmitted in the IMA ID field of the ICP cell
(Range: 0–255).
txFrameLen The length of transmitted IMA frame in megabytes. For IMA version 1.0, the
txImaFrameLength value is always 128. For version 1.1, the txImaFrameLength
value can be 32, 64, 128, or 256.
diffDelayMax The maximum differential delay in milliseconds (Range: 1–279). Defaults: T1
= 275
E1 = 220
groupUpTime The group up time. Range: 0–400000 milliseconds. Default: 10000.
groupDownTime The group down time. Range: 0–100000 milliseconds. Default: 2500.
verFallback Enables/disables version fallback on the IMA group. Enter 1 to enable version
fallback on the specified IMA group, or 2 to disable version fallback on the
specified IMA group.
Note You must set version fallback on the card level with the cnfimaparms
-fallback <1|2> command before you set it for each individual IMA
group with the cnfimagrp -vfb <1|2> command.
autoRestart Enables, disables, or re-uses IMA auto restart functionality for the current
group. Enter 1 to disable IMA auto-restart. Enter 2 to relearn IMA auto-restart,
or enter 3 to reuse a previous IMA auto-restart.
rxImaIdExpected Identifies the expected received IMA ID. The IMA Id is a number in the range
from -1 through 255.
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