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Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Chapter 5 Maintaining an Efficient Network
How Do I Manage the Database? Using Pruning Scripts
Running database pruning scripts allows you to prune Cisco MGM data from the Oracle database at any
given time. Pruning scripts allows you to prune the following types of data:
Audit log data
Audit trail data
Error log data
Event data
All PM data
NEs and all related information
Server monitoring data
Note For information about pruning NEs in a high availability environment, refer to the Cisco Media Gateway
Manager 5.0 High Availability Installation Guide.
To use a pruning script:
Step 1 Log in as the root user on the Sun Solaris workstation where the Cisco MGM server is installed.
Step 2 Enter the following command to change to the Cisco MGM server bin directory:
cd /opt/CiscoMGMServer/bin
Note The default directory /opt/CiscoMGMServer may have been changed during installation of the
Cisco MGM server.
Step 3 Enter the following command to see a list of pruning scripts:
ls -al prune*
Step 4 Select a script and a parameter (based on database pruning) and enter the corresponding command on
the UNIX shell.
For example, to prune Error Log data older than 25 days, enter the following command:
./ 25
Table 5-6 describes parameters that can be passed to each script and the tables that are affected.
Table 5-6 Database Pruning
What to Prune
(Script Name) Tables Affected Input Parameters Remarks
Prune audit log data
transaction_log_table Number of days
Removes all audit log entries that
were created before n days.
Prune error log data
error_log_table Number of days
Removes all transaction log entries
that were created before n days.
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