Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Managing Faults
What Is the Fault Priority?
9.7 What Is the Fault Priority?
After you have gathered information about the faults, it is then important to prioritize that information.
There are several ways to determine the priority of a fault. You can simply assign a priority to an NE or
group, or you can try to derive this information from a knowledge of the network.
The priority of a fault can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as:
• Influences outside of the network (for example, the time of day an outage occurs)
• Amount and type of traffic that will be affected
• Who specifically is affected by the fault
• Potential financial consequences
You can decide to filter events. Filtering means to identify events that do not need to be processed
immediately, or might never need to be processed. Because the volume of events to be processed can be
high, it is important to filter unwanted events as soon as possible.
You can get information for prioritizing faults in the following sections:
• 9.7.1 Alarm Severity Levels
• 9.7.2 Filtering the Alarm Log
• 9.7.3 Filtering Data by Time
Display Options File Check the File check box to write the Debug Log to a specific file. You
can click Browse to browse for a local client directory for the Debug
Log. After you specify the filename, the log is stored at
<filename>0.log and <filename>1.log when <filename>0.log is filled
to its maximum size.
By default, the Debug Log is saved at
MGMC-debug0.log or
The dialog box shows the filename without the number 0 or 1, which
is appended by default by the Java debugging APIs.
Note <version_number> is replaced by the version number of the
installed Cisco MGM client.
Max File
Enter the maximum file size for the Debug Log, in bytes.
Telnet Check the Telnet check box to write the Debug Log to a Telnet port.
Note Telnet to the IP address of the Cisco MGM client workstation,
not the Cisco MGM server.
Console Check the Console check box to write the Debug Log to the console.
Table 9-17 Field Descriptions for the Debug Options Dialog Box (continued)
Field Subfield Description
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