Cisco PXM Version 1.1 User's Guide Page 406

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Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Managing Faults
Is the Service Working?
Table 9-4 Alarm Configuration—Threshold EMS Alarms Tab
Field Description
Poll Frequency Displays the polling interval, in minutes, at which the Cisco MGM server
checks parameters.
Parameter Name This column displays the name of the parameter as follows:
CPU Usage (%): Percentage of CPU time utilized for executing user,
system, and I/O tasks.
Config Resynch Time (seconds): Time it takes for Cisco MGM to
collect alarm and inventory information from the NE.
Disk Usage (%): Percentage of disk space used in a particular partition.
Cisco MGM database and partitions are monitored separately.
Memory Usage RAM (%): Percentage of RAM memory used for all
processes of the system.
Memory Usage SWAP (%): Percentage of SWAP memory used for all
processes of the system.
NE Synch Time (seconds): Time it takes to synchronize Cisco MGM
server with the NEs.
PM Collection Time (seconds): Time it takes to collect PM data for an
NE. It is the sum of the time it takes to read the PM data and the time
it takes to update the database.
Prune Time Audit Log (seconds): Time it takes to prune audit log data.
Prune Time Audit Trail Log (seconds): Time it takes to prune audit trail
log data.
Prune Time Error Log (seconds): Time it takes to prune Error Log data.
Prune Time FM (seconds): Time it takes to prune FM data.
Prune Time Job Monitor (seconds): Time it takes to prune job monitor
Prune Time PM (seconds): Time it takes to prune PM data.
Prune Time Purge NE (seconds): Time it takes to prune NE purge data.
Prune Time Server Monitor (seconds): Time it takes to prune server
monitor data.
Enable This column displays whether or not the corresponding parameter in the
Parameter Name column is enabled (checked) or disabled (unchecked).
When checked, it enables monitoring for the selected parameter. If an EMS
threshold alarm is outstanding when you disable monitoring, the EMS
clears the alarm.
Critical This column displays the amount of time, in minutes, that must elapse
before triggering a critical alarm.
Major This column displays the amount of time, in minutes, that must elapse
before triggering a major alarm.
Minor This column displays the amount of time, in minutes, that must elapse
before triggering a minor alarm.
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