Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix E Real-Time Counters
MGX2-RPM-Card—Supported Real-Time Counters
E.15 MGX2-RPM-Card—Supported Real-Time Counters
No Real-Time Counters supported for MGX2-RPM-Card
All Versions UASs cwsPathCurrent24HrUASs Number of UASs encountered in current 24 hour
cardFamily not
equal to VXSM
ESs (Far End) cwsFEPathCurrent24HrESs Number of far end errored seconds encountered in
current 24 hour interval.
cardFamily not
equal to VXSM
SESs (Far End) cwsFEPathCurrent24HrSESs Number of far end SESs encountered in current 24
hour interval.
cardFamily not
equal to VXSM
CVs (Far End) cwsFEPathCurrent24HrCVs Number of far end CVs encountered in current 24
hour interval.
cardFamily not
equal to VXSM
UASs (Far End) cwsFEPathCurrent24HrUASs Number of far end UASs encountered in current 24
hour interval.
Table E-45 Alarm Statistics
Applicability Counter Name MIB Object Name Description
All Versions Section LOSs cssLOSs The number of Loss of signals(LOS) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Section. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Section layer.
All Versions Section LOFs cssLOFs The number of Loss of Frames (LOF) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Section. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Section layer.
All Versions Line AISs cslAISs The number of alarm indication signals(AIS) encountered by
a SONET/SDH Line. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Line layer.
All Versions Line RFIs cslRFIs The number of remote failure indications (RFI) encountered
by a SONET/SDH Line. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Line layer.
(cardFamily not
equal to MPSM)
OR (cardFamily
entityType EQ
Path AISs cspAISs The number of alarm indication signals (AIS) encountered by
a SONET/SDH Path. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Path layer.
(cardFamily not
equal to MPSM)
OR (cardFamily
entityType EQ
Path RFIs cspRFIs The number of remote failure indications (RFI) encountered
by a SONET/SDH Path. A high value for this object may
indicate a problem with the Sonet Path layer.
Table E-44 Path Current 24 Hour Counters—cardFamily not equal to AXSM AND cardFamily not equal to AXSMXG
AND cardFamily not equal to VXSM AND cardFamily not equal to MPSM (continued)
Applicability Counter Name MIB Object Name Description
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