Cisco PXM Version 1.1 User's Guide Page 712

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Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Diagnostics Center Problems
Defect Information—Collect the following information for further analysis:
1. Collect Java DOS Window data:
2. Select the Java DOS box.
3. Issue a 'Ctrl and Break' command. Hold the 'Ctrl' key down and click on the 'Break' (Pause) key.
4. This action should result in the DOS showing Java thread related information.
5. Copy the data to a log file for further analysis.
6. Collect CMSCclient.log file under the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory
7. Collect screen snapshots. In particular, error/information message dialog boxes.
8. Collect cmsvr.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
9. Collect DCServer.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative workaround—None
C.10.2 11.2 Diagnostic Server (DCServer) Specific Issues
This section includes the following information:
C.10.2.1 XML Parser Error
C.10.2.2 SNMPCOMM_TIMEOUT Error While Polling mib Objects
C.10.2.3 Node Syncup Status Are Not Shown in the Diagnostic Center GUI
C.10.2.4 Node Resync Fails
C.10.2.5 Polling of Real Time Counters Fails
C.10.2.6 Some Real Time Counters Are Not Shown
C.10.2.7 Unable to Start/Stop/Modify BERT Operations
C.10.2.8 Unable to Start/Stop IMA Link Test Patterns
C.10.2.9 Cannot Perform Connection Diagnostics
C.10.2.10 Miscellaneous Issues / Problems in Diagnostics Center
C.10.2.1 XML Parser Error
XML Parsing error is seen while launching Diagnostics Center GUI (either by drag and drop method or
right-lick method) for a network element. The pop-up window says "Internal Error: XML Parsing Error"
and looks like the picture shown below:
Step 1 Check if the entity (Node / Card / Line / Port etc) which resulted in this error is supported in the
Cisco MGM version being used.
If this error is seen for a supported node/card go to step 2.
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