Cisco PXM Version 1.1 User's Guide Page 879

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Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix E Real-Time Counters
MGX2-SRM-SONET-Line—Supported Real-Time Counters
Section Current 24 Hour Counters— cardFamily EQ AXSME OR cardFamily EQ PXM1E OR
cardFamily EQ MPSM
Path Current 24 Hour Counters—cardFamily not equal to AXSM AND cardFamily not equal to
AXSMXG AND cardFamily not equal to VXSM AND cardFamily not equal to MPSM
Alarm Statistics
Table E-57 ATM Cell Layer Counters—cellLayer EQ true
Applicability Counter Name MIB Object Name Description
All Versions CLP0 Cells (Ingress) caclInRcvCLP0Cells The number of cells received on the interface
with CLP0 bit set.
All Versions CLP1 Cells (Ingress) caclInRcvCLP1Cells The number of cells received on the interface
with CLP1 bit set.
All Versions Valid OAM Cells
caclInValidOAMCells The number of valid Operation and
Maintainance(OAM) cells received on the
All Versions Valid OAM Cells
caclOutValidOAMCells The number of Operartion and
Maintainance(OAM) cells received by the
interface from the switch fabric.
All Versions Err OAM Cells
caclInErrOAMCells The number of errored OAM cells received on
the interface.
All Versions Err OAM Cells
caclOutErrOAMCells The number of errored OAM cells received by
the interface from the switch fabric.
All Versions Corrected HecErr
Cells (Ingress)
caclInHecErrCorrectedCells The number of received cells which had HEC
errors that were corrected.
All Versions Non Zero GFC Cells
caclInGfcCells The number of non-zero GFC cells received on
the interface.
All Versions Invalid VPI/VCI/PTI
Cells (Ingress)
caclInVpiVciErrCells The number of cells received from the interface
with unknown Vpi/Vci values.
All Versions Last Unknown VPI
caclInLastUnknVpi The last unknown Vpi value. This object is valid
only if 'caclInVpiVciErrCells' is non-zero.
All Versions Lask Unknown VCI
caclInLastUnknVci The last unknown Vci value. This object is valid
only if 'caclInVpiVciErrCells' is non-zero.
All Versions Rcv Valid RM Cells
caclInValidRMCells The number of Valid RM cells received from the
All Versions Rcv Valid RM Cells
caclOutRcvValidRMCells The number of Valid RM cells received by the
interface from the switch fabric.
All Versions Rcv Idle Cells
caclInRcvIdleCells The number of idle cells received from the
All Versions Discard HecErr Cells
caclInHecErrDiscCells Header Error Check (HEC) calculation is used to
provide error detection and correction from the
ATM cell header. This object is the number of
received cells which were discarded because they
had HEC errors.
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