Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix E Real-Time Counters
VXSM-EndPoint-Connection—Supported Real-Time Counters
Table E-99 Channel Counters
Applicability Counter Name MIB Object Name Description
All Versions Xmt CLP0 (Ingress) cwacsIngXmtCLP0 The number of valid CLP=0 ATM cells in the
ingress direction of this Channel after the traffic
management entity.
All Versions Xmt CLP1 (Ingress) cwacsIngXmtCLP1 The number of valid CLP=1 ATM cells in the
ingress direction of this Channel after the traffic
management entity.
All Versions Xmt CLP0 (Egress) cwacsEgrXmtCLP0 The number of valid CLP=0 ATM cells in the
egress direction of this Channel AFTER the
traffic management entity.
All Versions Xml CLP1 (Egress) cwacsEgrXmtCLP1 The number of valid CLP=1 ATM cells in the
egress direction of this Channel AFTER the
traffic management entity.
All Versions CLP0 COS Discard
cwacsEgrCLP0CoSDiscard The number of valid CLP=0 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue due to overflow.
All Versions CLP1 COS Discard
cwacsEgrCLP1CoSDiscard The number of valid CLP=1 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue due to overflow.
All Versions Rcv EFCI0 (Egress) cwacsEgrRcvEFCI0 The number of valid EFCI=0 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel before CoS queue.
All Versions Rcv EFCI1 (Egress) cwacsEgrRcvEFCI1 The number of valid EFCI=1 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel before the class of
service queue.
All Versions EFCI0 Discard
cwacsEgrEFCI0Discard The number of valid EFCI=0 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue.
All Versions EFCI1 Discard
cwacsEgrEFCI1Discard The number of valid EFCI=1 cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue.
All Versions Rcv OAM (Egress) cwacsEgrRcvOAM The number of valid OAM cells in the egress
direction of this Channel before the CoS queue.
All Versions OAM Discard
cwacsEgrOAMDiscard The number of valid OAM cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue.
All Versions Rcv RM (Egress) cwacsEgrRcvRM The number of valid RM cells in the egress
direction of this Channel before the CoS queue.
All Versions RM Discard
cwacsEgrRMDiscard The number of valid RM cells in the egress
direction of this Channel that are discarded at the
CoS queue due to overflow.
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