Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Configuration Center, Chassis View, Diagnostic Center and Statistics Report Problems
C.6.3.2 Node Information Incorrect on Configuration Center, Chassis View, Diagnostic Center or
Statistics Report GUIs
The node information like node name, IP Address, alarm state, etc., of a node shows incorrectly on the
Configuration Center, Chassis View, Diagnostic Center or Statistics Report GUIs.
Step 1 Check the node information in database using selnd command.
Step 2 Check the node information in NMServer's cache.
This can be done by using the command nmControl (Option 3) on the Cisco MGM CLI.
Step 3 Check the CMSCclient.log for the node information.
Step 4 Using nmClient, use getTopology option to retrieve the node information and verify whether it matches
with database and the GUI.
Step 5 If the node information is correct in NMServer cache, Open a New GUI and verify whether the node is
shown correctly in the new GUI.
Defect Information—Collect the following information for further analysis:
• Collect topod.log, ILMITopoc.log, NMServer.log
• Collect selnd o/p
• Collect nmControl.dump for option 3.
• Collect CMSCclient.log
Possible alternative workaround—Open a new GUI and a new Configuration Center, Chassis View,
Diagnostic Center or Statistics Report GUI.
C.6.3.3 Configuration Center, Chassis View, Diagnostic Center or Statistics Report GUI Shows a
Node That Is Not in the Network
The Configuration Center, Chassis View, Diagnostic Center or Statistics Report GUI shows a node that
is not part of the network anymore.
Step 1 Check the node information in database by querying the node, packet_line table. Verify whether the
node is active.
Step 2 If the node is active, see C.4.2.1 No Nodes Are Discovered.
Step 3 Check the node in NMServer's cache.
This can be done by using the command nmControl (Option 3) on the Cisco MGM CLI.
Step 4 Check the CMSCclient.log for the node/trunk.
Verify whether a delete message was received for the node.
Step 5 Using nmClient, use getTopology option to retrieve the node information and verify whether it matches
with database and the GUI.
Step 6 If the node is not present in NMServer cache, Open a New GUI and verify whether the node is shown in
the new GUI.
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