Cisco PXM Version 1.1 User's Guide Page 699

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Cisco Media Gateway Manager 5.0 User Guide
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Connection Management Problems
C. Cmgrd—Addition/Modification/Deletion Errors. Provisioning a Connection Results in an Error "Fail due to Switch
Related key index entries: cmgrd, time-out
When any Connection Add/Mod/Del request is made, cmgrd issues a request to the switch with a Snmp
community string, either a SET or GET string. These community strings are overwritten by the process
snmpcomm. This process uses the values of the strings which are present in the node_info table. Thus,
when a provisioning request times out from the switch, one possible problem is that the node's
community string in the node_info table does not match the string on the node itself.
The problem can be researched by checking the community strings on the node and the node_info table.
Step 1 Check the community strings on the nodes by issuing the command "dsnmp".
Step 2 Check the community string in the node_info table based on node_id, the strings are encrypted so use
the decrypt binary which would display the string in the clear format.
Step 3 Once the strings are cross-referenced and a discrepancy is indeed present. Then the user can change the
strings in the following possible ways:
a. Issue the command "cnfsnmp" on the node and change the community strings to match that of the
Cisco MGM.
b. Or the user can use the application RunConfigurator to change the string in the Cisco MGM to match
that of the switch.
Defect Information—If the above possible investigations do not work, collect the following
The cmgrd.log which is located in /opt/svplus/cmgrd.log
The output of the query "select * from node_info where node_id = X"
Possible alternative workaround—See Investigation.
C. Cmgrd—Addition/Modification/Deletion Errors. Provisioning a Connection Results in an Error “Agent not responding,
request timed-out; or Fatal error, SnmpComm is not running.”
Related key index entries: cmgrd, snmpcomm
When any Connection Add/Mod/Del request is made, cmgrd issues a request to the switch, but the
request is actually first issued to the process snmpcomm. Which in turn sends the SNMP SET/GET to
the node. In this scenario the above errors can be returned by the process snmpcomm, the error could be
a time out error from snmpcomm process or an ILOG Communication error.
The reason that snmpcomm can send a time-out error is because it is too busy processing requests and
cannot accept more requests at the moment. And the reason for the "SnmpComm not Running" error is
that cmgrd could not establish and ILOG connection with it. The following basic check can be done:
Step 1 Issue the command "psg snmpcomm" to ensure that the process is indeed running.
Step 2 Check for snmpcomm coredumps in the corefilesdir directory.
Re-issue the request after waiting for few minuteness will take care of the time-out error.
If it is indeed noticed that snmpcomm process is not running, then a warm-start has to be done to ensure
that the process does come up.Whn the process starts-up the ILOG connection with cmgrd is established.
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