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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 4 Configuring Virtual Contexts
Configuring Security with ACLs
Destination Network Defines the network traffic being transmitted to the destination network from the ACE:
Any—Select the Any radio button to indicate that network traffic to any destination is
IP/Netmask—(IPv4 address type) Use this field to limit access to a specific destination IP
address. Enter the destination IPv4 address that is allowed for this ACL and select its
subnet mask.
IP/Prefix-length—(IPv6 address type) Use this field to limit access to a specific
destination IP address. Enter the destination IPv6 address that is allowed for this ACL and
its prefix length.
Network Object Group—Select a destination network object group to apply to this ACL.
Destination Port Operator This field appears if you select TCP or UPD in the Protocol field.
Select the operand to use to compare destination port numbers:
Equal To—The destination port must be the same as the number in the Destination Port
Number field.
Greater Than—The destination port must be greater than the number in the Destination
Port Number field.
Less Than—The destination port must be less than the number in the Destination Port
Number field.
Not Equal To—The destination port must not equal the number in the Destination Port
Number field.
Range—The destination port must be within the range of ports specified by the Lower
Destination Port Number field and the Upper Destination Port Number field.
Destination Port Number This field appears if you select Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, or Not Equal To in the
Destination Port Operator field.
Enter the port name or number from which you want to permit or deny access.
Lower Destination Port
This field appears if you select Range in the Destination Port Operator field.
Enter the number of the lowest port to which you want to permit or deny access. Valid entries
are integers from 0 to 65535. The number in this field must be less than the number entered
in the Upper Destination Port Number field.
Upper Destination Port
This field appears if you select Range in the Destination Port Operator field.
Enter the port number of the upper port to which you want to permit or deny access. Valid
entries are integers from 0 to 65535. The number in this field must be greater than the number
entered in the Lower Destination Port Number field.
Table 4-18 Protocol Names and Numbers
Protocol Name
Protocol Number Description
AH 51 Authentication Header
EIGRP 88 Enhanced IGRP
Table 4-17 Extended ACL Configuration Options (continued)
Field Description
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