Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 4 Configuring Virtual Contexts
Managing Resource Classes
Step 1 Choose Config > Virtual Contexts > admin context > System > Resource Class.
The Resource Classes table appears.
Step 2 Click Add to create a new resource class.
The New Resource Class configuration screen appears.
Step 3 In the Name field, enter a unique name for this resource class.
Valid entries are unquoted text strings with no spaces and a maximum of 64 characters.
Step 4 To use the same values for each resource, enter the following information in the All row (See Table 4-10
for a description of the resources):
a. In the Min. field, enter the minimum percentage of each resource you want to allocate to this
resource class. Valid entries are numbers from 0 to 100 including those with decimals in increments
of .01.
b. In the Max. field, choose the maximum percentage of each resource you want to allocate to this
resource class:
Equal To Min.—Indicates that the maximum percentage allocated for each resource is equal to
the minimum specified in the Min. field.
Unlimited—Indicates that there is no upper limit on the percentage of each resource that can be
allocated for this resource class.
Step 5 To use different values for the resources, for each resource, choose the method for allocating resources:
• Select Default to use the values specified in Step 4.
• Choose Min. to enter a specific minimum value for the resource. In the Min. field, enter the
minimum percentage of this resource you want to allocate to this resource class. For example, for
ACL memory, you would enter 10 in the Min. field to indicate that you want to allocate a minimum
of 10 percent of the available ACL memory to this resource class.
Step 6 If you chose Min., in the Max. field, choose the maximum percentage of the resource you want to
allocate to this resource class:
• Equal To Min.—Indicates that the maximum percentage allocated for this resource is equal to the
minimum specified in the Min. field.
• Unlimited—Indicates that there is no upper limit on the percentage of the resource that can be
allocated for this resource class.
Step 7 When you finish allocating the resources for this resource class, do one of the following:
• Click Deploy Now to deploy this configuration on the ACE appliance. The ACE Appliance Device
Manager displays the number of virtual contexts that can be supported using this resource class in
the Maximum VC column. To support more or fewer virtual contexts, choose the resource class,
click Edit, and modify it as described in this procedure.
• Click Cancel to exit this procedure without saving your entries and to return to the Resource Classes
Related Topics
• Managing Resource Classes, page 4-35
• Modifying Resource Classes, page 4-40
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