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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 12 Configuring Traffic Policies
Configuring Rules and Actions for Policy Maps
Step 11 Do the following:
Click Deploy Now to deploy this configuration on the ACE appliance.
Click Cancel to exit this procedure without saving your entries and to return to the Action table.
Click Next to save your entries and to configure another Action.
ICMP Indicates that Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) payload inspection is to be performed. ICMP
inspection allows ICMP traffic to have a “session” so it can be inspected similarly to TCP and UDP
In the ICMP Error field, indicate whether the ACE appliance is to perform name address translation
on ICMP error messages:
N/A—Indicates that this attribute is not set.
False—Indicates that the ACE appliance is not to perform NAT on ICMP error messages.
True—Indicates that the ACE appliance is to perform NAT on ICMP error messages. When
enabled, the ACE appliance creates translation sessions for intermediate or endpoint nodes that
send ICMP error messages based on the NAT configuration. The ACE appliance overwrites the
packet with the translated IP addresses.
ILS Internet Locator Service (ILS) protocol inspection is to be implemented.
RTSP Indicates that Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) packet inspection is to be implemented. RTSP is
used by RealAudio, RealNetworks, Apple QuickTime 4, RealPlayer, and Cisco IP/TV connections.
The ACE appliance monitors Setup and Response (200 OK) messages in the control channel
established using TCP port 554 (no UDP support).
SIP SIP protocol inspection is implemented. SIP is used for call handling sessions and instant messaging.
The ACE inspects signaling messages for media connection addresses, media ports, and embryonic
connections. The ACE also uses NAT to translate IP addresses that are embedded in the user-data
portion of the packet.
1. In the Parameter Map field, specify a previously created parameter map used to define parameters
for SIP inspection.
2. In the SIP Inspect Policy field, select a previously created Layer 7 SIP inspection policy map to
implement packet inspection of Layer 7 SIP application traffic.
If you do not specify a Layer 7 policy map, the ACE performs a general set of Layer 3 and Layer
4 HTTP fixup actions and internal RFC compliance checks.
Skinny Cisco Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) protocol inspection is implemented. The SCCP is a
Cisco proprietary protocol that is used between Cisco CallManager and Cisco VOiP phones. The ACE
uses NAT to translate embedded IP addresses and port numbers in SCCP packet data.
1. In the Parameter Map field, specify a previously created connection parameter map used to define
parameters for Skinny inspection.
2. In the Skinny Inspect Policy field, select a previously created Layer 7 Skinny inspection policy
map to implement packet inspection of Layer 7 Skinny application traffic.
If you do not specify a Layer 7 policy map, the ACE performs a general set of Layer 3 and Layer
4 HTTP fixup actions and internal RFC compliance checks.
Table 12-18 Policy Map Application Inspection Options (continued)
Inspection Option Description
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