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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Configuring Parameter Maps
This chapter describes how to configure parameter maps. Parameter maps provide a means of
performing actions on traffic received by the ACE, based on certain criteria such as protocol or
connection attributes. After you configure a parameter map, you associate it with a policy map to
implement configured behavior.
Table 8-1 describes the parameter maps you can configure using the ACE.
Note When you use the ACE CLI to configure named objects (such as a real server, virtual server, parameter
map, class map, health probe, and so on), consider that the Device Manager (DM) supports object names
with an alphanumeric string of 1 to 64 characters, which can include the following special characters:
underscore (_), hyphen (-), dot (.), and asterisk (*). Spaces are not allowed.
Table 8-1 Parameter Map Types
Map Description
Connection Connection parameter maps combine all IP and TCP connection-related behaviors pertaining to the
TCP normalization, termination, and server reuse
IP normalization, fragmentation, and reassembly
DNS Domain Name System (DNS) parameter maps configure DNS actions for DNS packet inspection.
Generic Generic parameter maps combine related generic protocol actions for server load-balancing connections.
HTTP HTTP parameter maps configure ACE behavior for HTTP load-balanced connections.
Optimization Optimization parameter maps specify optimization-related commands that pertain to application
acceleration and optimization functions performed by the ACE.
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) parameter maps configure routing-token-rebalance in which the ACE
redirects a connection that contains RDP packets to another server when the real server that matches the
token information in the client request is down.
RTSP RTSP parameter maps configure advanced RTSP behavior for server load-balancing connections.
SIP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) parameter maps configure SIP deep packet inspection on the ACE.
Skinny Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) parameter maps configure SCCP packet inspection on the ACE.
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