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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 12 Configuring Traffic Policies
Setting Match Conditions for Class Maps
Step 6 Do the following:
Click Deploy Now to deploy this configuration on the ACE appliance and to return to the Match
Condition table.
Note If you click Deploy Now, the ACE appliance drops the traffic and then restarts it, even if
you have not made changes. If you have not altered existing match conditions, click Cancel
instead of Deploy Now to ensure uninterrupted traffic.
Click Cancel to exit the procedure without saving your entries and to return to the Match Condition
Click Next to save your entries and to configure additional match conditions.
Related Topics
Using Virtual Contexts, page 4-2
Configuring Virtual Context Class Maps, page 12-8
Configuring Virtual Context Policy Maps, page 12-34
HTTP URL A portion of an HTTP URL is to be used to establish a match condition.
1. In the URL Expression field, enter a URL or a portion of a URL to match. Valid entries are
URL strings from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters and include only the portion of the URL
following www.hostname.domain. For example, in the URL, include only /latest/whatsnew.html.
2. In the Method Expression field, enter the HTTP method to match. Valid entries are method
names entered as unquoted text strings with no spaces and a maximum of 15 alphanumeric
characters. You can enter either one of the standard HTTP 1.1 method names (OPTIONS,
GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, or CONNECT) or a text string that must be
matched exactly (for example, CORVETTE).
Source Address The source IP address is to be used to establish a match condition.
1. For the IP Address Type, select either IPv4 or IPv6 for the address type.
2. In the Source IP Address field, enter the source IP address for this match condition in the
format based on the address type (IPv4 or IPv6).
3. For an IPv4 source address, in the Source Netmask field, select the subnet mask of the IP
For an IPv6 source address, in the Source Prefix-length field, enter the prefix length for the
Table 12-7 Layer 7 Server Load Balancing Class Map Match Conditions (continued)
Match Condition Description
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