Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 5 Configuring Virtual Servers
Configuring Virtual Servers
Real Servers
12. In the Buddy Real Group field, associate the real server with a buddy group by creating a buddy real
server group or select an existing one (for more information, see the “Buddy Sticky Groups” section on
page 7-6).
13. In the Fail-On-All field, check this check box to configure a real server to remain in the
OPERATIONAL state unless all probes associated with it fail (AND logic). The Fail-On-All function
is applicable to all probe types.
Fail-On-All is applicable only for host real servers.
14. In the Cookie String field, enter a cookie string value of the real server, which is to be used for HTTP
cookie insertion when establishing a sticky connection. Valid entries are text strings with a maximum
of 32 alphanumeric characters. You can include spaces and special characters in a cookie string value.
See Chapter 7, “Configuring Stickiness” for details on HTTP cookie sticky connections.
Cookie String is applicable only for host real servers
15. Do the following:
Click OK to accept your entries and add this real server to the server farm. The table refreshes with
updated information.
Click Cancel to exit this procedure without saving your entries and to return to the Real Servers
To display statistics and status information for an existing real server, choose a real server in the list, and
then click Details. DM accesses the show rserver name detail CLI command to display detailed real server
information. See the “Displaying Real Server Statistics and Status Information” section on page 6-8.
Table 5-11 New Server Farm Attributes (continued)
Field Description
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