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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 4 Configuring Virtual Contexts
Managing Virtual Contexts
Note Clicking the summary count in the status bar from any context-specific page accesses the All Virtual
Contexts table. You can then review the synchronization configuration details for all of the available
contexts. If you are not the administrator, you will only see the details for your user context.
The All Virtual Contexts table displays the following information for each virtual context
Resource class
Management IP address
Virtual context synchronization status; that is, whether the ACE Appliance Device Manager GUI
and CLI configurations for the context are synchronized, not synchronized, being synchronized, or
the synchronization attempt failed. For more information, see the “Viewing Virtual Context
Synchronization Status” section on page 4-80.
ACE high availability state; for more information on the available ACE high availability states, see
the “High Availability Polling” section on page 11-2.
Note For information on the implication of ACE high availability on ACE appliance Device Manager
GUI and CLI configuration synchronization, see the “Synchronizing High Availability
Configurations with ACE Appliance Device Manager” section on page 11-6.
State of the ACE high availability peer
ACE high availability peer name
Whether automatic synchronization for high availability pairs has been configured
Note If a user changes the configuration for a context by using the CLI while you are viewing the All Virtual
Contexts table, or if the high availability state changes, the information in the table columns does not
automatically update to reflect an out-of-sync state. Click Refresh or set an automatic refresh rate by
clicking Auto Refresh to view out-of-sync configurations.
Note If a user creates a new virtual context in a different session while you are viewing the All Virtual
Contexts table, the new virtual context does not automatically appear in this table. Click Refresh or set
an automatic refresh rate by clicking Auto Refresh to view newly-created contexts.
Polling status for the selected context appears above the content area in the upper right corner (see
Figure 1-2). Table 14-1 describes the various polling states.
From this screen you can:
Add a new virtual context—See the Creating Virtual Contexts, page 4-2.
Edit an existing virtual context—See Configuring Virtual Contexts, page 4-7.
Delete an existing virtual context—See Deleting Virtual Contexts, page 4-84.
Manually synchronize ACE Appliance Device Manager and CLI configurations for one or all virtual
contexts—See Synchronizing Virtual Context Configurations, page 4-79.
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