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Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 5 Configuring Virtual Servers
Configuring Virtual Servers
Table 5-11 New Server Farm Attributes
Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for this server farm. Valid entries are unquoted text strings with no spaces and a
maximum of 64 characters.
Type Select the type of server farm:
Host—A typical server farm that consists of real servers that provide content and services to clients.
By default, if you configure a backup server farm and all real servers in the primary server farm go
down, the primary server farm fails over to the backup server farm. Use the following options to specify
thresholds for failover and returning to service.
a. In the Partial-Threshold Percentage field, enter the minimum percentage of real servers in the
primary server farm that must remain active for the server farm to stay up. If the percentage of
active real servers falls below this threshold, the ACE takes the server farm out of service. Valid
entries are integers from 0 to 99.
b. In the Back Inservice field, enter the percentage of real servers in the primary server farm that must
be active again for the ACE to place the server farm back into service. Valid entries are integers
from 0 to 99. The value in this field should be larger than the value in the Partial Threshold
Percentage field.
Redirect—A server farm that consists only of real servers that redirect client requests to alternate
locations specified in the real server configuration.
Fail Action Select the action the ACE appliance is to take with respect to connections if any real server in the server
farm fails:
N/A—Indicates that the ACE appliance is to take no action if any server in the server farm fails.
Purge—Indicates that the ACE appliance is to remove connections to a real server if that real server in
the server farm fails. The ACE appliance sends a reset command to both the client and the server that
Reassign—Indicates that the ACE reassign the existing server connections to the backup real server (if
configured) if the real server fails after you enter this command. If a backup real server has not been
configured for the failing server, this selection leaves the existing connections untouched in the failing
real server.
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