Device Manager Guide, Cisco ACE 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance
Chapter 5 Configuring Virtual Servers
Configuring Virtual Servers
Table 5-9 Layer 7 HTTP/HTTPS Load-Balancing Rule Match Configuration
Match Condition Description
Class Map Indicates that this rule is to use an existing class map to establish match conditions.
If you select this method, in the Class Map field, select the class map to be used.
Note This option is not available for inline match conditions.
HTTP Content Specific content contained within the HTTP entity-body is used to establish a match condition.
1. In the Content Expression field, enter the content that is to be matched. Valid entries are
alphanumeric strings from 1 to 255 characters.
2. In the Content Offset field, enter the number of bytes to be ignored starting with the first byte
of the Message body, after the empty line (CR,LF,CR,LF) between the headers and the body
of the message. Valid entries are integers from 1 to 255.
HTTP Cookie Indicates that HTTP cookies are to be used for this rule.
If you select this method:
1. In the Cookie Name field, enter a unique cookie name. Valid entries are unquoted text strings
with no spaces and a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
2. In the Cookie Value field, enter a unique cookie value expression. Valid entries are unquoted
text strings with no spaces and a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters. The ACE
appliance supports regular expressions for matching string expressions. Table 12-33 lists the
supported characters that you can use for matching string expressions.
3. Check the Secondary Cookie Matching check box to indicate that the ACE appliance is to use
both the cookie name and the cookie value to satisfy this match condition. Clear this check
box to indicate that the ACE appliance is to use either the cookie name or the cookie value to
satisfy this match condition.
HTTP Header Indicates that the HTTP header and a corresponding value are to be used for this rule.
If you select this method:
1. In the Header Name field, enter the name of the generic field in the HTTP header. Valid entries
are unquoted text strings with no spaces and a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
2. In the Header Value field, enter the header-value expression string to compare against the
value in the specified field in the HTTP header. Valid entries are text strings with a maximum
of 255 alphanumeric characters. The ACE appliance supports regular expressions for
matching. Header expressions allow spaces, provided that the spaces are escaped or quoted.
All headers in the header map must be matched. Table 12-33 lists the supported characters that
you can use in regular expressions.
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