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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 5 Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing, PerfMon Counters, and Alerts
Performance Monitoring in RTMT
Cisco CallManager SAF
The Cisco SAF Client object provides information about SAF counters that are specific to each node.
Table 5-7 contains information about Cisco SAF Client object counters.
Note A Cisco Unified CM node restart causes a counter reset.
See Real-Time Monitoring Tool Guide for more information.
Ta b l e 5-6 Cisco CallManager External Call Control
Counters Counter Description
Cisco Unified Communication Manager (Cisco CallManager) Object
This counter specifies the total number of calls to devices that have the External
Call Control feature enabled. This is a cumulative count of all calls to
intercept-enabled patterns or DNs since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager
This counter specifies the total number of calls that were connected to a device
that had the External Call Control feature enabled. This is a cumulative count of
all calls to intercept-enabled patterns or DNs since the last restart of the Cisco
CallManager service.
This counter specifies the total number of calls that were cleared or routed based
on failure treatments (such as Allow or Deny) that are defined in the External Call
Control profile.
External Call Control Objects
PDPServersTotal This counter defines the total number of PDP servers in all External Call Control
Profiles configured in Cisco Unified CM Administration. This counter increments
when a new PDP server is added and decrements when a PDP server is removed.
PDPServersInService This counter defines the total number of in-service (active) PDP servers.
PDPServersOutOfService This counter defines the total number of times that PDP servers have transitioned
from in-service to out-of-service. This is a cumulative count of out-of-service
PDP servers since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager service.
ConnectionsActiveToPDPServer This counter specifies the total number of connections that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager has established (currently active) with PDP servers.
ConnectionsLostToPDPServer This counter specifies the total number of times that active connections between
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the PDP servers were disconnected.
This is a cumulative count since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager service.
Ta b l e 5-7 Cisco CallManager SAF Client Object
Counters Counter Description
SAFConnectionsSucceeded (range from
0 to 2)
Total number of SAF client connections currently active on this Unified CM node.
SAFFConnectionsFailed (range from 0 to
Total number of SAF client connections that failed on the Unified CM node. A
failed connection is a connection that did not register with the SAF Forwarder.
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