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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 6 Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Ta b l e 6-1 TIMESTAMP Field Specifications
Field Specification
ACCURACY This is an optional field. If present, it must be either a single asterisk
character (ASCII decimal value 42), or a single dot character (ASCII
decimal value 46). No separator character is used after this field. This
field indicates the status of clock synchronization.
Cisco IOS uses a special convention for time prefixes to indicate the
accuracy of the time stamp. If dot character appears before the date, it
means that the local time was synchronized at some point via NTP, but
currently no NTP servers are available. The asterisk character in front
of the date means that the local time is not authoritative, i.e. NTP servers
are not setup.
CiscoLog supports the use of this convention, but does not require it. If
an application is integrated with NTP client software, and knows that its
time is out of sync, then it can optionally prefix the message with
asterisk character. However, because applications may choose not to use
this scheme, the lack of “.” or “*” in CiscoLog messages should not be
interpreted to mean that the local time is synchronized.
MONTH Must be one of the following three-character month designations
followed by a single space (ASCII decimal value 32) as a delimiter
character: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec.
DAY Must consist of two characters. If day is a single digit, it must be prefixed
with a single space character. The acceptable range of values is from 1
to 31. The day value must be followed by a single space as a delimiter
YEAR Must consist of exactly 4 digit characters followed by a space as a
delimiter character.
HOUR Must consist of exactly two number characters. The hour value is based
on a 24-hour clock. Values range from 00 to 23. If hour value is a single
digit, it must be prefixed with a single zero character. The hour value
must be followed by a single colon as a delimiter character.
MINUTES Must consist of exactly two number characters. Values range from 00 to
59. If minute value is a single digit, it must be prefixed with a single
zero character. The minutes value must be followed by a single colon as
a delimiter character
SECONDS Must consist of exactly two number characters. Values range from 00 to
59. If seconds value is a single digit, it must be prefixed with a single
zero character. The seconds value must be followed by a period as a
delimiter character.
MILLISECONDS Must consist of exactly 3 digit characters. Values range from 000 to 999.
If milliseconds value is less then 3 digits in length it must be prefixed
with extra zeros to make it a 3-character field. The milliseconds value
is followed by a space as a delimiter character.
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