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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Services Guide, Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 5 Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing, PerfMon Counters, and Alerts
Performance Monitoring in RTMT
Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device
The Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device object provides information about registered Cisco hardware
conference bridge devices.
Table 5-16 contains information about Cisco hardware conference bridge
device counters.
Cisco IME Server
The Cisco IME Server provides information about the Performance Object and Counters for IME.
The following contains the Performance Object for Cisco IME Server:
HuntListInService This counter specifies whether the particular hunt list is currently in service. A
value of 0 indicates that the hunt list is out of service; a value of 1 indicates that
the hunt list is in service. Reasons that a hunt list could be out of service include
the hunt list is not running on a primary Cisco Unified Communications Manager
based on its Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group or the hunt list has
been disabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.
MembersAvailable This counter represents the total number of available or idle members of line and
route groups that belong to an in-service hunt list. An available member currently
handles a call and will accept a new call. An idle member does not handle any call
and will accept a new call. A hunt list member can comprise a route group, line
group, or a combination. A member of a line group represents a directory number
of a line on an IP phone or a voice-mail port. A member of a route group
represents a station gateway, a trunk gateway, or port/channel of a trunk gateway.
Table 5-15 Cisco Hunt Lists (continued)
Counters Counter Description
Ta b l e 5-16 Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device
Counters Counter Description
HWConferenceActive This counter represents the number of conferences that are currently active (in
use) on a HW conference bridge device. One resource represents one stream.
HWConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of conferences that have been allocated
and released on a HW conference device. A conference starts when the first call
connects to the bridge. The conference completes when the last call disconnects
from the bridge.
OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate a conference resource from a HW conference device and failed, for
example, because all resources were already in use.
ResourceActive This counter represents the number of resources that are currently in use (active)
for this HW conference device. One resource represents one stream.
ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and are
still available to be used now for a HW conference device. One resource
represents one stream.
ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of resources for a HW conference bridge
device. This counter equals the sum of the counters ResourceAvailable and
ResourceActive. One resource represents one stream.
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