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Cisco MWR 2941 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Release 3.5 Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR
Chapter Cisco MWR 2941 Router Command Reference, Release 15.1(3)MR
police (percent)
Bandwidth and Hierarchical Policy Maps
The police (percent) command uses the maximum rate of bandwidth available as the reference point for
calculating the bandwidth percentage. When the police (percent) command is configured in a child
policy map, the police (percent) command uses the bandwidth amount specified in the next higher-level
policy (in this case, the parent policy map). If the parent policy map does not specify the maximum
bandwidth rate available, the police (percent) command uses the maximum bandwidth rate available on
the next higher level (in this case, the physical interface, the highest point in the hierarchy) as the
reference point. The police (percent) command always looks to the next higher level for the bandwidth
reference point. The following sample configuration illustrates this point:
Policymap parent_policy
class parent
shape average 512000
service-policy child_policy
Policymap child_policy
class normal_type
police cir percent 30
In this sample configuration, there are two hierarchical policies: one called parent_policy and one called
child_policy. In the policy map called child_policy, the police command has been configured in the class
called normal_type. In this class, the percentage specified by for the police (percent) command is
30 percent. The command will use 512 kbps, the peak rate, as the bandwidth reference point for class
parent in the parent_policy. The police (percent) command will use 512 kbps as the basis for calculating
the cir rate (512 kbps * 30 percent).
interface serial 4/0
service-policy output parent_policy
Policymap parent_policy
class parent
bandwidth 512
service-policy child_policy
In the above example, there is one policy map called parent_policy. In this policy map, a peak rate has
not been specified. The bandwidth command has been used, but this command does not represent the
maximum rate of bandwidth available. Therefore, the police (percent) command will look to the next
higher level (in this case serial interface 4/0) to get the bandwidth reference point. Assuming the
bandwidth of serial interface 4/0 is 1.5 Mbps, the police (percent) command will use 1.5 Mbps as the
basis for calculating the cir rate (1500000 * 30 percent).
How Bandwidth Is Calculated
The police (percent) command is often used in conjunction with the bandwidth and priority commands.
The bandwidth and priority commands can be used to calculate the total amount of bandwidth available
on an entity (for example, a physical interface). When the bandwidth and priority commands calculate
the total amount of bandwidth available on an entity, the following guidelines are invoked:
If the entity is a physical interface, the total bandwidth is the bandwidth on the physical interface.
If the entity is a shaped ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), the total bandwidth is calculated as
For a variable bit rate (VBR) virtual circuit (VC), the sustained cell rate (SCR) is used in the
For an available bit rate (ABR) VC, the minimum cell rate (MCR) is used in the calculation.
For more information on bandwidth allocation, refer to the “Congestion Management Overview” chapter
in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.
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