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Cisco MWR 2941 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Release 3.5 Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR
Chapter Cisco MWR 2941 Router Command Reference, Release 15.1(3)MR
Usage Guidelines To configure ATM SVCs with an output PCR and an input PCR that differ from each other, you must
expressly configure an output value and an input value using the output-pcr, output-mcr, input-pcr, and
input-mcr arguments.
Configure QoS parameters using the ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt command. The last command that you enter
will apply to the PVC or SVC that you are configuring.
If the ubr+ command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC or SVC, the VC inherits the following
default configuration (in order of precedence):
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC or
SVC itself
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC ATM
subinterface or SVC ATM subinterface
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC main
interface or SVC ATM main interface
Global default: UBR QoS at the maximum line rate of the PVC or SVC
To use this command in VC-class configuration mode, enter the vc-class atm global configuration
command before you enter the ubr+ command. This command has no effect if the VC class that contains
the command is attached to a standalone VC (meaning a VC that is not a bundle member).
To use this command in bundle-VC configuration mode, enter the bundle command to specify the bundle
to which the VC member belongs, then enter bundle configuration mode. Finally, enter the pvc-bundle
bundle configuration command to add the VC to the bundle as a member.
VCs in a VC bundle use the following configuration inheritance rules (in order of next-highest
VC configuration in bundle-VC mode
Bundle configuration in bundle mode (with effect of assigned VC-class configuration)
Subinterface configuration in subinterface mode
DSL ATM interfaces do not support switched virtual circuits (SVCs).
Examples The following example configures UBR+ PVC on a DSL line:
interface atm 0/0
pvc 4/100
ubr+ 2304 2304
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument for an ATM PVC to be 100000 kbps and the
output-mcr to be 3000 kbps:
pvc 1/32
ubr+ 100000 3000
The following example specifies the output-pcr, output-mcr, input-pcr, and input-mcr arguments for an
ATM SVC to be 10000 kbps, 3000 kbps, 9000 kbps, and 1000 kbps, respectively:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05
ubr+ 10000 3000 9000 1000
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