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Cisco MWR 2941 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Release 3.5 Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR
Chapter Cisco MWR 2941 Router Command Reference, Release 15.1(3)MR
police rate (control-plane)
police rate (control-plane)
To configure traffic policing for traffic that is destined for the control plane, use the police rate command
in QoS policy-map class configuration mode. To remove traffic policing from the configuration, use the
no form of this command.
police rate units pps [burst burst-in-packets packets] [peak-rate peak-rate-in-pps pps]
[peak-burst peak-burst-in-packets packets] [conform-action action]
no police rate units pps [burst burst-in-packets packets] [peak-rate peak-rate-in-pps pps] [peak-burst
peak-burst-in-packets packets] [conform-action action]
Syntax for Percent
police rate percent percentage [burst ms ms] [peak-rate percent percentage] [peak-burst ms ms]
no police rate percent percentage [burst ms ms] [peak-rate percent percentage] [peak-burst
ms ms]
Syntax Description units Specifies the police rate. If the police rate is specified in pps, the valid
range of values is 1 to 2000000 pps. If the police rate is specified in bps,
the valid range of values is 8000 to 20000000000.
pps Specifies that packets per seconds (pps) will be used to determine the
rate at which traffic is policed.
burst burst-in-packets
(Optional) Specifies the burst rate, in packets, will be used for policing
traffic. Valid range of values is 1 to 512000.
peak-rate peak-rate-in-pps
(Optional) Specifies the peak information rate (PIR) will be used for
policing traffic and calculating the PIR. Valid range of values is 1 to
(Optional) Specifies the peak burst value, in packets, will be used for
policing traffic. Valid range of values is 1 to 512000.
bps (Optional) Specifies that bits per second (bps) will be used to determine
the rate at which traffic is policed.
burst burst-in-bytes bytes (Optional) Specifies the burst rate, in bytes, will be used for policing
traffic. Valid range is from 1000 to 512000000.
peak-rate peak-rate-in-bps
(Optional) Specifies the peak burst value, in bytes, for the peak rate.
Valid range is from 1000 to 512000000.
peak-burst-in-bytes bytes
(Optional) Specifies the peak burst value, in bytes, will be used for
policing traffic. Valid range is from 1000 to 512000000.
percent A percentage of interface bandwidth will be used to determine the rate at
which traffic is policed.
percentage Specifies the bandwidth percentage. Valid range is from 1 to 100.
burst ms ms (Optional) Specifies the burst rate, in milliseconds, will be used for
policing traffic. Valid range is from 1 to 2000.
peak-rate percent
(Optional) Specifies a percentage of interface bandwidth will be used to
determine the PIR. Valid range is from 1 to 100.
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