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Cisco MWR 2941 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Release 3.5 Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR
Chapter Cisco MWR 2941 Router Command Reference, Release 15.1(3)MR
Tip Use the atm tx-latency command to specify the default latency value for all VCs on the interface, and
then use the tx-limit command to fine-tune the configuration for a particular VC, as needed.
Note The number of buffers can also be affected by the packet size, because each VC is always allowed to
transmit at least one packet, regardless of the number of buffers configured with the tx-limit command.
If the number of buffers specified by the tx-limit command is very small, and the VC must transmit a
very large packet, the interface can increase the number of buffers for the VC to whatever number can
accommodate the packet’s size. This means that occasionally, the number of buffers can grow to
whatever number can accommodate a packet up to the maximum MTU size.
Note Other ATM interfaces have used the tx-ring-limit command to achieve a similar result, but this
command is not supported on ATM SPA interfaces, because it does not apply to the SPA architecture.
Examples The following example shows an ATM VC being configured for a maximum of 500 buffers:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface atm 4/0/0.10 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# pvc 10/101
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# tx-limit 500
The following example shows an ATM VC being reset for its default buffer value, which will be whatever
buffer size is needed, at the VC line rate, to produce a default latency of 100 milliseconds (or whatever
value is specified by the atm tx-latency command):
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface atm 3/0/1.10 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# pvc 10/20
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# no tx-limit
Related Commands Command Description
atm tx-latency Specifies the default transmit latency for an ATM Shared Port Adapter (SPA)
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