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Cisco MWR 2941 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Release 3.5 Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR
Chapter Cisco MWR 2941 Router Command Reference, Release 15.1(3)MR
errdisable recovery
Command Modes Global configuration (config)
Command History
Usage Guidelines A cause (bpduguard, channel-misconfig, dhcp-rate-limit, dtp-flap, l2ptguard, link-flap, pagp-flap,
psecure-violation, security-violation, rootguard, udld, or unicast-flood) is defined as the reason why the
error-disable state occurred. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in an
error-disable state (an operational state that is similar to the link-down state). If you do not enable
error-disable recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the error-disable state until a shutdown and no
shutdown occur. If you enable recovery for a cause, the interface is brought out of the error-disable state
and allowed to retry operation once all the causes have timed out.
You must enter the shutdown command and then the no shutdown command to manually recover an
interface from the error-disable state.
Note A separate line is required each time you want to enter the errdisable recovery cause command to add
a new reason for recovery; each new reason does not get appended to the original single line. This means
you must enter each new reason separately.
Examples This example shows how to enable the recovery timer for the storm-control error-disable cause:
errdisable recovery cause storm-control
This example shows how to set the recovery timer to 300 seconds:
errdisable recovery interval 300
Related Commands
Release Modification
11.3 This command was introduced.
15.1(3)MR This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)MR and the
storm-control keyword option was added.
Command Description
show errdisable recovery Displays the information about the error-disable recovery
show interfaces status Displays the interface status or a list of interfaces in an
error-disabled state on LAN ports only.
shutdown Disables an interface.
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